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该研究方向提供了非常大的课程可选范围,你可以在老师指导下,根据自己爱好选择学习。 除了被所有研究方向共享的核心课程外(CO7201-个人工程 ,和CO7210个人和团体技能),还需另外选7门课程。这些课程中有2门可以来自每年度出版的课程附录表,包括:算法设计与分析,通信与并发,多媒体压缩方法,密码及网络安全,金融数学,形式化软件规约,运筹学,程序设计语言语义,软件度量及质量保证等等。    
Advanced Computer Science     
●Course Aims    
Advanced Computer Science(ACS) allows you to supplement your education in a specific set of advanced topics and cutting-edge technologies of your choice, whether you need them for your professional life, or to pursue your studies further to a PhD on a specific theme.     
●Programme Structure    
The MSc offers a broad menu of modules from whicn you can construct you own pathway with the advice of a member of staff. The only core modulres for this programme are those shared by all programmes: (CO7201-Individual project, and CO7210-Personal and Group Skills). You will need to take seven additional modules, of which at most two can be from a supplementary list published every year, including topics such as analysis and design of algorithms, communication and concurrency, compression methods for mulimedia, crtptography and internet security, financial mathematics, formal software specification, operation research, semantics of programming languages, software measurement and quality assurance, inter alia.    
除了被所有研究方向共享的核心课程外(CO7201-个人工程 ,和CO7210个人和团体技能),本研究方向有5个核心课程:    
CO7100 –生物信息学算法    
CO7104 –C++程序设计和高级算法设计    
CO7211 –离散事件系统    
CO7212 –计算机科学中的博弈论    
CO7213 –互联网和分布式计算    
Advanced Computational Methods     
●Course Aims    
The field of algorithms is today an extremely important enabling technology. Web search-engines, routing in the Internet ,genome analysis,cryptography and image analysis are just a few examples of applications that depend critically on suitable choices of algorithms and data structures. The focus of this MSc is on the design ,analysis and engineering of algorithms,covering their use for modeling real-word problems.    
●Core modules    
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes(CO7201-Individual project, and CO7210-Personal and Group Skills),this programme has five core modules:    
CO7100 –Algorithms for Bioinformatics    
CO7104 –C++ Programming and Advanced Algorithm Design    
CO7211 –Discrete Event Systems    
CO7212 –Game Theory in computer Science    
CO7213 –Networking and Distributed Computing    
除了被所有研究方向共享的核心课程外(CO7201-个人工程 ,和CO7210个人和团体技能),本研究方向有5个核心课程:    
CO7205 –高级系统设计    
CO7206 –系统再工程    
CO7207 –生成式软件开发    
CO7208 –软件过程工程    
CO7214 –面向服务的架构    
Advanced Software Engineering    
●Course Aims    
This MSc focuses on the methodologies and technologies that address the challenges that companies are facing for competing in the volatile markets of today: How to generate applications from high-level business models to reduce time-to-market and development costs? How to evolve legacy systems and promote business processes in an economy dominated by the need to offer and integerate,new service,on demand?    
●Core modules    
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes(CO7201-Individual project, and CO7210-Personal and Group Skills),this programme has five core modules:    
CO7205 –Advanced System Design    
CO7206 –System Re-engineering    
CO7207 –Generative Development    
CO7208 –Software Process Engineering    
CO7214 –Service-Oriented Architectures    
除了被所有研究方向共享的核心课程外(CO7201-个人工程 ,和CO7210个人和团体技能),本研究方向有5个核心课程:    
CO7205 –高级系统设计    
CO7209 –软件可靠性    
CO7211 –离散事件系统    
CO7213 –互联网和分布式计算    
CO7214 –面向服务的架构    
Advanced Distributed Systems    
●Course Aims    
The presence of software applications as components of many different kinds of systems with dynamic configurations is increasing at an unprecedented pace. The focus of this MSc is on new methods,arcchitectures and design techniques for software systems that are able to operate,with guaranteed levels of quality of service ,arcoss heterogeneous.    
●Core modules    
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes(CO7201-Individual project, and CO7210-Personal and Group Skills),this programme has five core modules:    
CO7205 –Advanced System Design    
CO7209 –Software Reliability    
CO7211 –Discrete Event Systems    
CO7213 –Networking and Distributed Computing    
CO7214 –Service-Oriented Architectures    
世界领先的分析机构Gartner一直强调如果企业购买的IT系统是以静态视角实现的话,就要增加IT系统的灵活性,用以应对各种变化。随着组织机构认识到IT必须作为企业变革的关键驱动,Gartner预测到各种变化一定会出现。 最新商业策略和软件开发方法都渴求敏捷。Borland公司英国业务部总经理Steve Gedney在2007年11月金融时报上说“绝大多数企业正在使用或准备使用敏捷软件开发方法”。    
一种领域特定语言(DSL)是致力于某一特定问题领域(如金融产品、面向服务架构、语义Web和本体、移动代理、模拟、机器人控制或数字硬件设计)的程序设计语言或者规约语言。 在此课程中,我们教授定义DSL和从DSL自动生成可执行代码的不同技术,并实践使用这些技术。    
通常被称为“模型驱动架构(MDA)是敏捷软件开发的最重要技术之一,它主要实现从业务模型自动生成代码。几十年来,企业一直面临着需要应对一个接一个的中间件平台, 当软件需要从一个平台迁移到下一个平台会产生巨大的成本和风险。    
Guy Lidbette,欧洲大型计算服务集团Atos Origin公司CIO,于2007年12月向“金融时报”阐述为什么在IT中SOA被认为是敏捷的最佳推动者:如果IT与其支持的业务强力相适应,企业2008年将一如既往的非常成功。需要指出,如果想要把产品推向市场,并在盈利和营收上获得意味深长影响,企业必须迁移到一个敏捷的体系架构:移迁到SOA(面向服务体系结构)将是唯一可以做到这一点的办法。    
MSc in Agile Software Engineering Techniques    
●Course aims    
Today, software is becoming ever more complex, developed with very short time to market, and required to cope with changing requirements. This scenario calls for increased levels of flexibility and agility, both in the technologies used and the processes followed for engineering software. This MSc will provide a sound background on the methods and techniques that can meet these challenges. Hands-on modules based on the Eclipse framework will ensure that this knowledge is framed in practical contexts of usage.    
●The market    
Gartner, one of world's leading analysts, have been emphasising the importance of increasing the need for a business' IT systems to become more agile to deal with change, accepting that these systems have previously been sold and implemented with a static view of operations. They have been predicting that radical change will occur as organisations realise that IT must act as a key driver for business change. Both the latest business strategy and software development methodology aspire to be agile. "There are a lot of companies experimenting with, or about to experiment with, agile software development," said Steve Gedney, managing director of Borland's UK operations, to the Financial Times in November 2007.    
●Programme Structure    
This programme aims to prepare students for the software industry of today: a highly agile field making use of structured engineering processes and advanced software production technologies to ensure quality in the light of rapid changes. This is achieved by a number of core modules and options drawn from computer science covering both the forward production and the reverse engineering paths.    
●Core modules    
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes (CO7201-individual project, and CO7210-Personal and Group Skills),this programme has four core modules:    
CO7217-Domain Specific Languages    
A domain-specific language (DSL) is a programming language or specification language dedicated to a particular problem domain (such as financial products, service oriented architectures, semantic web and ontologies, mobile agents, simulation, robot control, or digital hardware design, to name just a few application domains). In this module, we teach and experiment with different techniques for defining DSLs and for automatically generating executable code from them.    
CO7207 - Generative Development.     
The ability to generate code automatically from business models, what is usually known as "model-driven architectures" (MDA) is one of the most important enablers of agility in software production. Over decades, companies have been facing the need to cope with a succession of middleware platforms, which incurs huge costs and risks as software needs to be moved from one platform to the next.    
CO7216 - Service-Oriented Architectures.     
Guy Lidbetter, CIO of the big European computing services group Atos Origin, said to the Financial Times in December 2007 why SOAs are considered to be the best enablers of agility in IT: For 2008, as always,companies will be most successful if IT is strongly aligned with the businesses it supports, going on to point out that companies must migrate to an agile architecture if they are to bring products to market that will have a meaningful impact on earnings and revenue: migrating to a Services Oriented Architecture will be the only way to accomplish this.    
CO7206 - System Re-engineering.     
Multiple reports issued in the last few years by major analysts such as Gartner and IDC show that the systems in place at the major consumers of IT (such as financial institutions, telecoms, and public administration) still run on legacy technology (e.g. COBOL). This has created a huge market for re-engineering and enterprise integration, which has been growing at 25% a year. All enterprises face the need to engage in some form of re-engineering project, mainly to migrate to SOAs in order to take advantage of the new business channels that are being made available through the internet. It has been estimated that more than 75% of e-business solutions reuse existing systems in conjunction with package software or outsource development.    
基于Web技术的演化导致“Web 2.0”的诞生。Web 2.0是一类互联网语义丰富的信息资源,能够提供在网络中流动的特定软件应用程序。大量基于PC(个人计算机)的标准应用(如日历工具、文字编辑器、电子表格等)出现在网络上,并且可以在分布式协同环境中使用。开发这样的应用是特别具有挑战性的,不仅因为需要广泛的背景,还需要掌握迅速崛起的新技术。本硕士研究方向旨在让学生全面了解该领域及其发展趋势,同时让学生学习关于先进新技术的实践方法(如.Net技术)。    
除了两门公共核心课程(如CO7201-个人项目,CO7110-个人与团队合作技能), 本研究方向还包括四门核心课程:    
2005年1月金融时报中,美国电子集团摩托罗拉公司信息技术战略副总裁Toby Redshaw说:“(面向服务架构)是软件产业的革命”。他谈及面向服务架构(简称SOAs)的兴起。软件业已经迅速感受到在SOAs带来的发展机遇。四年前如IBM公司,BEA系统,甲骨文和微软等大软件公司纷纷跟进。从那时起,他们已经开始提供产品,用于帮助管理SOAs。    
MSc in Web Applications and Services     
●Course Aims     
The evolution of web-based technologies has now led to what is know as “Web 2.0” : a semantically enriched information source with advanced potential to provide specialized software applications “on the fly”.A plethora of standard PC-based applications is now appearing online (calendar and daily tools, text editors, spreadsheets, among other) that can be used in a distributed collaborative setting.Developing such applications is particularly challenging, partly due to the wide background required but also the rapid emergence of new technologies. This MSc is intended to quip students with a sound understanding of the area and its emerging trends, while at the same time providing a very hands-on approach to current technologies such as .Net.    
●The Market     
Articles about Web applications and Web Services can be found daily in the computer press, but also in the Economist or Financial Times, highlighting the fast development of this area in a technical sense, but also it’s commercial relevance for business all over the world.    
●Programme Structure     
This programme aims to support software engineering skills for applications that are distributed on the web, while familiarizing students with the practical aspects of relevant software development environments and frameworks. This is achieved by a number of core modules and options drawn from computer science addressing the whole range from implementation to conceptual understanding.    
●Core modules     
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes (CO7201-Individual project, CO7110-Personal and Group Skills), this programme has four core mudules:    
CO7205-Advanced System Design    
Taking advantage of the business opportunities being made available by the web requires new methods of building IT systems that rely on big, integrated programs but on small, modular components. Not that software as we know it will disappear, but we need ways of modeling applications that can shop around for services provided by external parties and bind to them at run time to fulfill business needs.    
CO7215-Advanced Web Technologies    
This module covers the very practical aspect of implementing service oriented systems using Microsoft’s .Net technologies. It familiarizes the students with skills and tools that are directly relevant to industry, while also introducing more advanced aspects such as business processes and their implementation in BPEL.    
CO7216-Semantics Web    
As the industry strives towards assembling applications at run-time from smaller components, it is no longer sufficient to have interfaces matching (a syntactic aspect) and humans deciding on whether the component fulfils the required task (has the right meaning, or semantics). It becomes predominant that machines can make the decision on the semantics aspect and hence a plethora of requirements open up: how can the semantics of components be captures, how can decisions be made, etc. Semantics web technologies introduce this capability.    
CO7214- Service-oriented Architectures    
“This is the industrial revolution for software”, said Toby Redshaw, vice-president of information technology strategy at Motorola, the US electronics group, to the Financial Times in January, 2005. He was talking about the rise of service-oriented architectures (SOAs). The software industry has been quick to sense an opportunity in SOAs. Big software companies such as BEA systems, IBM, Oracle and Microsoft jumped on the bandwagon 4 years ago. Since then, they have been jointed by a host of start-ups offering products to help manage SOAs.    
金融服务不仅是经济学最活跃的领域,也是IT业两个最大的客户群体之一。这个硕士课程和经济系一起合作,让你精通金融机构所需的软件技术,迎接变革带来的挑战,熟悉IT系统需要支持的商业环境和组织结构。 这个研究方向专注于建立可扩展的的金融软件系统架构,在这类软件工程师在金融企业就业前景非常好。该方向关注应对金融市场各类问题的技术和技能,尤其是将功能固定的任务处理系统重构为可以快速应对客户和企业合作伙伴需求变化,架构灵活的系统。该技术需要在商业环境中运用,强调软件工程师具有与金融企业互动的特质。    
电信的发展,特别是互联网的发展给金融机构提供服务、处理商务的方式带来深远影响。出于交付渠道的可用性和多样性的需要,支持核心业务的信息系统要拥有一个强大而灵活的软件架构,保持核心业务不变的同时,能够适应新的经营方式。 发生在金融机构中,新产品投入市场的速度,新法规生效的速度,合并和收购的速度和仍运行在大多数组织中的遗留系统不匹配。针对这样的情况,以新信息和通信技术为基础的的组织架构开始出现在金融服务行业。 总之,设计和布署新型面向金融服务的软件系统、将遗留系统重构为新架构等领域的相关方法和软件技术有着巨大的市场前景。    
除了两门公共核心课程(如CO7201-个人项目,CO7210-个人与团队合作技能), 本研究方向还包括四门核心课程:    
上文中提到的CACM杂志中的论文明确指出再工程技术在金融服务行业中扮演至关重要的角色,可以应对该行业的变革。 该课程的讲授具有ATX技术有限公司的支持,这是一家专门致力于遗留系统重构的公司,有相当长的金融服务方面的从业经验。    
Software engineering for financial services    
●Course aims    
Financial services are not only one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy but also one of the two largest customers of IT!This MSc is offered together with the department of economics in order to give you both a command of the software technologies that financial institutions require to “embrace the challenge of change” and of the business context and organizational structures that IT systems need to support. This MSc programme concentrates on architectures for building scalable financial software systems, thus preparing software engineers for a plethora of jobs in the financial industry. In particular it considers technologies and techniques that are particularly relevant for the challenges of the financial market, predominantly a need to migrate from mission-critical, monolithic legacy systems to more flexible architectures that allow speedy reaction to customer and business partner’s needs. The technical aspect must be seen in the context of the business environment,where software engineers typically interact with a world of financial jargon and departments with specialized roles and needs.    
●The Market    
A special volume of the magazine communications of the ACM dedicated to New Architectures for Financial Services indentifies two main challenges that modern financial systems are having to address: Advancements in telecommunications in general and the internet in particular are having deep consequences on the way financial institutions make their services available and make business. The availability and diversity of delivery channels requires that the information systems that support the core business are endowed with a robust but flexible software architecture that can accommodate new ways of making business while preserving core business invariants.    
The speed with which new products need to be launched into the market, new regulations come into force, and merges and acquisitions take place among financial institutions , is not sompatible with the monolithic legacy systems that are still operating in most organizations. In response to these circumstances, new ICT-based or ICT-eabled architectures for technology and organization are beginning to emerge in the financial services industry. In summary, there is a big market for software engineering skills directed to the methods and techniques that are required for designing and deploying new software architectures for financial services, and for re-engineering legacy systems to operate on these new architectures.    
●Programme structure    
This programme aims to support software engineering skills and knowledge with deep understanding of financial organizations. This is achieved by a number of core modules and options drawn from computer science as well as economics offerings.    
●Core modules    
In addition to the core modules that are shared by all programmes(CO7201-INDIVIDUAL PROJECT ,AND co7210-Personal and group skills),this programme has four core modules:    
CO7206-system re-engineering.    
The CACM article mentioned above is very clear on the crucial role of re-engneering technques for the financial services industry to embrance the challenge of change. This module is delivered with the support of ATX technologies Ltd, a company that specializes on the modernization of legacy system, with a long experience in the financial sector.    
CO7214-service-oriented architectures.     
From SAP to IBM,major IT providers are promoting SOA as the infrastructure in the financial services industry.     
CO7218-financial services information systems.    
The vast majority of companies worldwide are looking for people that can manage or deploy IT effectively in the operational context of the business that they run. This module will provide an introduction to the key organizational units and functions that IT systems need to support in financial services organizations. Planning and delivery of this module is joint with ATX technologies Ltd, Mr G.Koutsoukos(Eurobank EFG)also with the collaboration of other colleagues in leading financial institutions.    
EC7061-corporate finance.     
This module is delivered by the department of economics. It gives you an introduction to the theory of corporate finance so that you can understand the business context in which you will operated. Topic include takeovers, mergers and dividend policy;Debt vs Equity trade-off;contracts in the venture capital industry;capital structure and incentives.    
莱斯特大学经济学系拥有悠久的历史。自从1924年设立以来,该系取得了诸多成绩。在2008年,该系被公认为具有国际重要地位,该系的大部分研究工作处于世界前列。 在过去的3年,该系的学生满意度在全英高校经济系排名中,位列前3。该系在NSS调查中,有85%的学生对所学的课程感到非常满意。 该系拥有30位专职教师,包括10名教授。该系提供9个本科项目,2个硕士预科,6个课程硕士项目。该系是英国高校规模最大的系之一。    
About Department of Economics    
The Department of Economics at Leicester has a long history. Since its inauguration in 1924, the Department has been increasingly successful. In the 2008 RAE all of our submissions were recognised to be internationally significant, with the panel noting that of our research 'an impressive proportion (is) world leading.    
In the past three-year average, we have been regularly ranked among the top three economics departments in the UK for overall student satisfaction among mainstream traditional pre-1992 universities. We consistently perform highly in the NSS survey, with 85% of our students reporting that they were satisfied with their course in the most recent survey.    
Our modern structure consists of over 30 academic staff working in the department, including 10 professors, and over 40 research students. We offer nine undergraduate programmes, two pre-masters diplomas and 6 taught postgraduate courses making the Department of Economics at the University of Leicester one of the largest in the country.